Teen Buzz Radio és el lloc on els adolescents de tot el món poden escoltar i millorar el seu anglès en un ambient divertit, interessant i interactiu. Encapçalada per la celebritat de ràdio internacional Richard Freedman, Teen Buzz Radio és l’única estació de ràdio per Internet de tot el món creada per a adolescents que estudien l’anglès com a segona llengua o llengua estrangera.
Amb oients de més de 100 països, la seva programació és variada i emocionant, de manera que els adolescents poden aprendre anglès a través de la bona música, històries especials, concursos desafiants, entrevistes amb convidats internacionals, receptes divertides i molt més!
El novembre del 2014 una servidora va començar a col·laborar amb Helen Doron Teen Buzz Radio recomanant tota mena de llibres al públic infantil i juvenil. Helen Doron va ser la meva primera acadèmia d’anglès i a la que dec gran part del meu aprenentatge. Ara, a més a més, li estic agraïda per brindar-me oportunitats meravelloses com participar a la seva ràdio i fer arribar la meva paraula a tot el món.

Wonder by R.J. Palacio
Read the book, be inspired, pass it on and always choose kind!
R. J. Palacio Official Webpage
365 day of Wonder (Mr. Brown’s book of precepts)
Listen to R.J. Palacio talk about the book “365 days of Wonder”, based on Mr. Brown’s precepts
Have a look at this video full of beautiful precepts uploaded by Penguin Readers
The Julian Chapter (second part of Wonder)
Listen to R.J. Palacio talk about the second part of Wonder “The Julian Chapter”… and of course do not hesitate to read it!
Listen to the songs mentioned in “Wonder”:
Watch the official video clip of the song that inspired R.J. Palacio
Christina Aguilera – “Beautiful”
“You are beautiful no matter what they say…”
“Planet Earth is blue and there’s nothing I can do…”
“I forgot that I might see so many beautiful things…”
The Magnetic Fields – “The Luckiest Guy on the Lower East Side”
“Because I’ve got wheels and you want to go for a ride…”

Geronimo Stilton
Discover his fabumouse adventures!
Read, watch, play, write, draw, listen and sing… What are you waiting for going into the world of Geronimo Stilton?
Find out the newest titles of the English collection!
Geronimo Stilton Animated Series
Enjoy some clips of the animated TV series.
Geronimo Stilton – The Italian musical
Have a look at the YouTube Channel of the Italian Geronimo Stilton musical.
Listen to the Sheppard’s song and… Say Geronimo!

Flanagan. Underage detective
Humour, mystery, adventures… You won’t put the books down until you finish them!
Discover even more about the series written by Andreu Martin and Jaume Ribera.
Flanagan, Underage Detective – E-book
Have a look at the e-book format in Amazon!
“Barcelona” – Freddy Mercury and Montserrat Caballé
Listen to a mythic song played on the Barcelona Olympics in 1992, another scenery of Flanagan’s adventures.

World Book Day – Saint George’s Day
In Catalonia the 23rd April takes place Sant Jordi (Saint George’s Day), our patrons day, but there is much more…
St George’s Day with a Catalan twist (The Guardian article)
An article published in “The Guardian” talking about Sant Jordi’s dyad
Sant Jordi (www.barcelona.cat)
Learn about the origins and the description of Sant Jordi in the official webpage of Barcelona’s city hall
Saint George’s Day (www.wikipedia.com)
Discover how other countries all around the world celebrate Saint George’s Day!
Listen to this hilarious interpretation of “All About That Bass” by Megan Trainor…
“All About Those Books” MDIHS Library
“I’m all about those books, about those books, start reading…”